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Since our beginnings, our supplements have evolved to become essential allies for those seeking to push their limits. We believe that each ingredient has the power to enhance well-being and performance in exceptional ways.

Welcome to Our Story

The story of Météorite’s Health goes far beyond conventional supplements. From the start, we set out to create products that are truly different—of the highest quality and genuinely effective—capable of supporting physical performance and well-being in a tangible way. Backed by years of research and dedication, our products have accompanied elite athletes and health enthusiasts alike in their pursuit of self-improvement. Each formula we develop is another step toward our mission: to help you achieve your goals and feel your best.

Carme Pérez Quilis / CEO & FOUNDER

Doctor in Medicine and Bachelor in Medicine and Pharmacy, with a distinguished research background in anti-aging, obesity prevention, and health promotion, she has conducted her studies between Spain and the United States. This experience has equipped her with the knowledge to lead the creation of supplements designed to safely enhance physical performance and well-being, all backed by science.

About Météorite's Health

Years ago, we set out to work on an idea. Many people told us we were crazy, claiming that the market was already flooded with companies in nutritional, sports, and wellness supplementation, and they tried to dissuade us. But we refused to abandon our vision of creating something different. We didn’t want to make supplements with low-quality ingredients just for bigger profits, or cram in as many ingredients as possible (even unnecessary ones) just to fill the label, nor add trendy ingredients simply because they were in vogue rather than because they offered real benefits. Our goal was to create supplements that truly made sense and were effective, clarifying what each product is for, how and when to take it, so that consumers could genuinely feel the difference—all backed by scientific evidence. We knew that going against the grain would require a much greater effort, and despite the obstacles we would face, we were determined to carry on with our project. Today, we are proud to say that we have a brand of supplements that we TRULY BELIEVE IN, with products that are complete, meaningful, and of the HIGHEST QUALITY. We’re taking things one step at a time, but with care and precision. Our goal is to help you improve three aspects simultaneously: performance, physical well-being, and health. MÉTÉORITE’S HEALTH® — HONEST SPORTS SUPPLEMENTS

Nuestros Asesores Científicos

Helios Pareja

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Helios Pareja Galeano

Doctor Internacional en Fisiología (Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Valencia), Máster en Fisiología del deporte, Licenciado en CC. Actividad física y Deporte (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Actualmente es profesor e investigador en el Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y es colaborador habitual en numerosos programas de postgrado a nivel nacional e internacional entre los que destacan el Máster en Entrenamiento y Nutrición Deportiva (Escuela Real Madrid – Universidad Europea) y el Máster en Fisioterapia Deportiva (Escuela Real Madrid – Universidad Europea).

Núria Garatachea

Doctora en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte y Licenciada en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (Universidad de León), ha sido Subdirectora General de Mujer y Deporte (Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte) desde el 2018 al 2020. En estos momentos es Profesora Titular en la Universidad de Zaragoza y pertenece al grupo de investigación GENUD (Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and Development) adquiriendo en los últimos años reconocimiento a nivel nacional e internacional en el campo de la actividad física y la salud, el envejecimiento, así como en las respuestas y adaptaciones fisiológicas al ejercicio físico.

Héctor Usó Peña

Héctor Usó es un reconocido nutricionista con una sólida trayectoria en el ámbito del deporte de élite. Actualmente, es el nutricionista oficial del Villarreal CF, donde su experiencia en optimización del rendimiento y recuperación de deportistas ha sido clave para el éxito del equipo. Con años de experiencia trabajando con atletas de alto nivel, Héctor es experto en nutrición deportiva y personalización de estrategias alimenticias para mejorar la salud y el rendimiento físico. Como asesor científico de nuestra marca, aporta un enfoque basado en evidencia y en las necesidades reales de los deportistas de élite, fortaleciendo nuestro compromiso con la calidad y eficacia de nuestros productos.

Virginia Santesteban

Virginia Santesteban es una reconocida nutricionista especializada en el rendimiento y recuperación de atletas de élite, actualmente responsable de la planificación nutricional de la Real Sociedad, equipo de la Primera División de España. Con una amplia experiencia en el diseño de estrategias alimentarias personalizadas, Virginia se ha destacado por su enfoque en la optimización del rendimiento y la salud integral de los deportistas. Su trayectoria y dedicación la posicionan como una figura clave en la nutrición deportiva avanzada, aportando su conocimiento y experiencia a nuestro equipo asesor.

“¿Te has preguntado cómo formulamos cada uno de nuestros suplementos? Como asesores científicos de la marca, nos enorgullece compartir algunos de nuestros secretos. Desde la selección rigurosa de ingredientes hasta el desarrollo de fórmulas respaldadas por evidencia científica, cada paso está diseñado para maximizar la efectividad y la seguridad. La ciencia detrás de nuestros productos es tan meticulosa como sorprendente.”



Dr. Fabián Sanchis-Gomar is a renowned physician and researcher with an outstanding career in sports cardiology and exercise physiology. Holding a Bachelor’s and Doctorate in Medicine, he has dedicated his career to researching and enhancing health and athletic performance. His expertise is supported by over 340 scientific publications, making him one of the most respected and cited exercise physiologists and sports cardiologists worldwide. Currently, Dr. Sanchis-Gomar is a Physician Scientist at Stanford University in California, where he conducts pioneering research in sports cardiology, merging his passion for medicine and sports to explore new frontiers in cardiovascular health. He has served as the chief medical officer for several professional cycling teams and as an external advisor to top-tier football clubs. His work and scientific contributions have been instrumental in advancing the understanding of the relationship between sports, cardiovascular health, and disease prevention, solidifying his position as a leader in the field.